Superhot pc
Superhot pc

superhot pc

None of my words are going to be able to do it justice and a picture is worth a thousand words, so feast your eyes: What sets SUPERHOT apart from the others in its graphic pack is what they were able to do with these “simplistic” visuals. It is what it is, que sera, sera (if I can indulge some more cultural turn of phrase). When developers have nailed the core features of a game so accurately, as they did here, there’s no real need for any added fluff. While obviously simplistic in its execution, SUPERHOT‘s graphics will not require a 4K monitor to enjoy. To use a very tired cliché, SUPERHOT is pretty damn unique! There’s just no other way to characterize it because at least to me, it is beyond comparison. SUPERHOT will not back down from challenging innate perceptions of what games are or should be. SUPERHOT does not fear going experimental. SUPERHOT is not afraid to dive headfirst into the realm of darkness. In other words, it’s hard to pinpoint or describe what exactly makes SUPERHOT so good. All of these small flaws easily become overshadowed by SUPERHOT‘s.

superhot pc

Some might nitpick about the sub-par style of the graphics or the annoyance of the audio’s innate repetition. That’s all fine and dandy, no doubt about it but it still doesn’t answer the one question we all really care about, “Is the game any good?” Stay tuned for the answer. YES! Plain and simple, SUPERHOT is a legitimate contender. Within the first 23 hours of the campaign’s launch, the game was funded and even went on to receive over $250,000! Almost a year later SUPERHOT had expanded with a bigger team, making their initial prototype into a full-blown game through a Kickstarter campaign. After releasing the initial prototype to the internet, SUPERHOT immediately blew up in popularity! This momentum and fan-based support catapulted this game through the Steam Greenlighting process over the course of a single weekend. SUPERHOT IRL (as opposed to the game universe) is the quintessential success story. It started out as a 7 day Game Jam project made by a small group of friends in late 2013.


A code was provided by the publisher for review purposes.


Platform: PC , Mac, Linux & XBox Oneĭisclaimer: The following game was reviewed on PC.

Superhot pc